A downloadable game


wizkeep.zip 280 kB

Install instructions

Wizard’s Keep

Roguelike game. Entry for the Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024.

How to Run It


  • Install sdl2 and sdl2-image dynamic libraries
  • Install a Common Lisp implementation (SBCL 2.4.0 was used during development)
  • Install the following Common Lisp packages (and transitive dependencies) on your system and make sure they are available in ASDF:*CENTRAL-REGISTRY*. I recommend installing them using Guix if possible as that was used during development. Alternatively e.g. Quicklisp should work. Packages:


Open the REPL (e.g. SBCL) in the top level directory and run the following commands (omitting CL-USER>):

CL-USER> (load "init.lisp")

CL-USER> (wizkeep:wizkeep)


  • Movement:
    • vi keys (h j k l) to move left, down, up, right respectively
    • further (y u b n) moves upleft, upright, downleft, downright respectively
    • Moving into enemies attacks them
    • Moving into chests while holding a key opens them
  • space: while standing on a staircase press space to go to the next level
  • q: close the game (can be restarted from the REPL)

Known Limitations

  • FoV: You can view enemies that are close enough through walls
  • Enemy pathfinding: Sometimes an enemy may attack another if its path is blocked
  • Loot: Item pickups have no effects (other than keys unlocking the ability to open chests)
  • Log output: For some reason the log is not as wide as it should be

Copyright Disclaimer

(Full license in the file COPYING inside the zip archive)

wizards-keep is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

wizards-keep is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with wizards-keep. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


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Install sdl2 and sdl2-image… Install a Common Lisp implementation… Install Common Lisp packages (and transitive dependencies) on your system and make sure they are available in ASDF:CENTRAL-REGISTRY. I recommend installing them using Guix

Sorry, I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Is it possible to play your game without doing these steps? Alternatively, could you give instructions of which commands I should run to make it work?

Hello there. I was rushing to hand in before the deadline, so unfortunately didn't get the time to publish a build without needing some steps to get everything setup.

I spent some time to make a "bundle" which included the dependencies, but itch won't let me edit the game page as the voting for the game jam is still open.

Frankly, I don't think the game is that great as I didn't reach a lot of my goals for the game jam. If you still want to give it a try, you can download the source code including bundled dependencies from the following URL: https://codeberg.org/dirtdog/wizkeep/archive/main.zip

You will still need to install at least the dependencies "sbcl", "libsdl2", "libsdl2-image". For example, if you are using Ubuntu, I think you can install them with the following command:

sudo apt install libsdl2 libsdl2-image-dev sbcl

Otherwise, install with the package manager of your distribution or follow instructions in the following links:

- https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/Installation

- https://www.libsdl.org/projects/old/SDL_image/

- https://sbcl.org/

If everything is installed correctly you should be able to open SBCL in the wizkeep/ directory and run (load "init.lisp") to compile and run the game.

Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Hi, I tried again with the main.zip link you posted, but now I get this error:

* (load "init.lisp")
While evaluating the form starting at line 8, column 0
  of #P"/var/home/cadence/Downloads/SpringLispGameJam2024/wizkeep/deps/bundle.lisp":
While evaluating the form starting at line 14, column 0
  of #P"/var/home/cadence/Downloads/SpringLispGameJam2024/wizkeep/init.lisp":

debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD tid=322877 "main thread" RUNNING {1001138003}>:
  Failed to find the WRITE-DATE of /var/home/cadence/Downloads/SpringLispGameJam2024/wizkeep/deps/local-projects/:

    No such file or directory

If I’m reading it right, I need a deps/local-projects/ folder that wasn’t supplied in the zip?

Hi. Thanks for giving it a try again! I just checked locally, and there is indeed a deps/local-projects/ directory, however it's empty, so it has not been uploaded to Git. If you like you could try to mkdir ...path.../wizkeep/deps/local-projects and give it another try. If it still doesn't work I'm not sure if I can help any more than that unfortunately.

OK, I created that empty directory and that got it working. Thanks!

Great. Kudos for having the patience to get it up and running.